Northland Ecology

Ecological Surveys and Assessments

Ecological surveys may be required for a range of reasons, such as:
  • an Assessment of Ecological Effects (AEE)
  • as the basis for a restoration plan
  • to help landowners, communities or agencies identify sites that have ecological values
  • to assess the sizes or distributions of populations of species
  • to identify threats to natural values (such as weeds)

Assessments of Ecological Effects (AEEs)

Assessments of Ecological Effects (AEEs) may be a required as part of the resource consent process for a range of projects, from small subdivisions to large infrastructure projects.  Lisette Collins (Principal Ecologist) has prepared numerous AEEs for subdivisions, roads, quarries etc. Typically, an AEE is a report that describes the ecological values present on a project site, identifies potential adverse effects that may be caused by the project, and describes ways that those effects can be avoided, remedied or mitigated. Depending on the scale of the project and the ecological values on the site an AEE can vary from being a fairly straightforward report to a detailed document that includes maps, photographs and species lists.  If your project is likely to require an AEE it is never too soon to talk to an Ecologist about your ideas/plans.

Restoration Plans and Vegetation Management Plans

Restoration plans and/or Vegetation Management plans are frequently required to satisfy a condition of a resource consent and they are useful to landowners and community groups who want to:
  • establish native plant communities
  • provide habitat for birds and other native animals,
  • protect waterways,
  • enhance visual appeal,
  • reduce erosion,
  • control weeds, etc.